Right from our childhood we have been taught about the sacrifices of great leaders of our country and other parts of the world in school. It creates a great respect towards them among usn and some stand as an inspiration to many of us. We all know only about the leaders and the soldiers who worked as a team but none of us know about each individual, their sacrifices they made for this country.
Our country has three types of armed forces, The Air Force, Naval force and the Army. They are categorised in various levels according to their positions. Each soldier has to endure the obstacles in the training they undergo. They stay alert all the time waiting for an information, and as soon as they get the information they sacrifice their sleep, food and health for the sake of our country.
Every soldier sacrifice the time they spend with their family just to make sure if each and every family in the country is at peace and safe. They get to meet their family only once in a year, I would say to send their son or husband to the armed forces is itself a great sacrifice not only by the soldier but also the family as a whole.
I remember an Army Officer who spoke about his late friend who was a martyr. The person who sacrificed his life was an Officer at Siachen who didn’t want his junior Officer to launch a missile, knowing that would take his life, as his junior officer was a married man and he being a single decided to sacrifice his own life.  These kind of stories overwhelm our hearts at the same time creates a huge respect towards them.

The decision they to take to serve the country in this selfish world where everyone is focused to amaze wealth honestly or through fraudulent.
