Vacation Time
Who wouldn't want a vacation, some free time to leisure, an escape from the routine life, breath some fresh air and travel to some beautiful place you haven't seen before?

Everyone likes holidays, the same way I love holidays whether be a single day or a month. We all are running for something for some cause, few people work even without knowing the cause, why and for what they are running for. This really causes tension and stress and sometimes even leads to depression and many commit suicide because of thge work stress. Be it a student, they undergo stress too because of continuous test assessments, project submission, deadlines which is a nightmare to every student. To ease out, it is always better to take a break from this routine line. Even a walk in the road with a dear friend for a while  will help us to relax and share our happiness and sorrow.

My Father makes sure that he take us out somewhere on every vacation. He feels that it is mandatory to spend time with the family and also escape the heat during  summer. I still remember every year during holidays when Dad used to take us out to some Historic place or hillstation or to meet my Grandparents living at Kerela or relatives in other parts of Tamilnadu, Kerela and Karnataka.

My favourite is going to the hillstations like Ooty, Valparai and Kodaikanal. Going to Ooty is like our regular rendesvouz since we resided at Coimbatore for almost Sixteen years right from my childhood. Me and my brother have the experience of traveling in bike with our parennts to long car rides, which we felt like it was a great evolution of our lives. I remember me and my brother visiting Munnar last year by July, it was rainy and very cold and we both were playing seeing the smoke coming out, everytime when we opened our mouth to talk. Thing we enjoy may not be a big grand surprise, it could be even the tiny, little moments like these.

I also remember my father taking us few historic plaves like Mysore palace, Padmanathapuram palace, Charminar, Golkonda Fort, Palakkad fort and many where I stood in awe amnd wonder seeing those gigantic structures and massive work done in those days. He stirred the pleasure of travelling in our young minds and now I don't wanna spend anytime in vain be it the present or in future.

I also spend my Vacation time reading books, cook something new, draw portraits, paint something, design or stitch a cloth, try to do something new and make sure I don't spend my time in vain and utilise every minute we possess on something useful, rather than wasting time like the common quote youngsters use in recent times "EAT, SLEEP AND REPEAT", it's better to " TRAVEL, EXPLORE AND WANDER".

Go out! Explore new things! Breath in some Fresh air ! Refresh your mind ! Eat what you want! Stay healthy ! Learn something new!
