
Showing posts from January, 2019
REPUBLIC DAY   January 26 th  is celebrated as the Republic Day in  India. This was the day when the  Constitution of India came into force and India was called as a Republic. India got  its   Independence on August 15, 1947, the Constitution was already prepared but it came into force only by January 26 th  1950. To  honor the Constitution the people and the Government of India celebrates January 26 th  as the Republic Day and is declared as Government holiday every year.   This day celebrated all over India with full enthusiasm, especially at New Delhi, the capital of India. The celebration in New Delhi starts with the President’s address to the Nation. It is a day to remember those  who fought  for  the country,  martyrs who died   to free the country from the British rule in  India.   A grand parade is organized in New Delhi to celebrate this day that begins from Vijay Chowk and concludes at the India Gate. The parade is held by all the armed forces such as  In
Vacation Time Who wouldn't want a vacation, some free time to leisure, an escape from the routine life, breath some fresh air and travel to some beautiful place you haven't seen before? Everyone likes holidays, the same way I love holidays whether be a single day or a month. We all are running for something for some cause, few people work even without knowing the cause, why and for what they are running for. This really causes tension and stress and sometimes even leads to depression and many commit suicide because of thge work stress. Be it a student, they undergo stress too because of continuous test assessments, project submission, deadlines which is a nightmare to every student. To ease out, it is always better to take a break from this routine line. Even a walk in the road with a dear friend for a while  will help us to relax and share our happiness and sorrow. My Father makes sure that he take us out somewhere on every vacation. He feels that it is mandatory to